Fresh Beginnings, New Pathways

Mary Stewart Adams’ Inaugural Address as General Secretary October 9, 2023[1] [1] This is a transcript of a spoken address. Thank you, John, and the entire council. And thank you everyone here in the Ann Arbor, Michigan community and everyone who is online. This is a tremendous moment. And I think it’s not surprising that…

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Closing Remarks from the AGM, October 9, 2023

Greetings Members, Colleagues, Friends, I am inwardly full from my recent days at the World Goetheanum Conference (1000 people, 50 countries) and my final meetings with General Secretaries and Country Representatives from around the world. These dear colleagues are present for me in my heart along with you members, and the many who have crossed…

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From the General Secretary

Anthroposophy is a path of inquiry, a way of being in the world, and of service to the world. So, it matters how we form social foundations out of interest in matters of the world as well as the beings of the spiritual world. One aspect of this anthroposophical inquiry is that within this inquiry…

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Report from Dornach: Spring Meeting of the General Secretaries & Country Representatives, & the Annual General Meeting

March, 28-April 2, 2023, By John Bloom The spring meeting of the General Secretaries and Country Representatives of Anthroposophical Societies from around the world precedes the Annual General Meeting of the World Society. Such was the case again this year. As a Circle, we have close working relationships that have developed over the years. When…

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From the General Secretary

On the Matter of Matter and Spirit Our Annual Conference in Washington, DC, had a special mood. It was intimate in contrast to the political ethos of our nation’s capital, and reflective in the way of the pool stretching along the Capitol Mall. One end of the pool sits at the foot of the Lincoln…

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General Secretary Search

The General Secretary Nominating Committee, on behalf of the General Council of the Anthroposophical Society in America, turns to you with a request to bring forth nominations of members who might be able to serve as the next General Secretary of the Society. Our new General Secretary will be taking office in October 2023. This…

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From the General Secretary

It was very moving to hear first-hand reports from Country Representative colleagues from Slovenia and the Czech Republic at our spring gathering and Annual General Meeting at the Goetheanum.

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From the General Secretary

November 2021 Dear Members & Friends, The mind thinks it loves; the heart loves before the thought. I cannot begin this letter without first recognizing the innovative efforts, good will, and inspired colleagues that made our Annual Conference in October, Building the Temple of the Heart, an extraordinary multi-dimensional happening. It was a beautiful tapestry of…

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From the General Secretary

With the grace of a broad enough shift in pandemic mood and practices, I was able to begin writing this post from the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, where I was participating in the postponed spring meeting of the General Secretaries and Country Representatives.

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