Fostering Anthroposophy Around the World

Supporting Courage Sarnia Guiton Can you imagine founding a Steiner-Waldorf school without assuming tuition as income? No? Neither can I. And yet… After 40 years in Waldorf education, I retired to Kenya in East Africa. Despite retirement, I still feel connected – does one ever disconnect? I found there are 4 schools here, 3 of…

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The “Calendar of the Soul”

UPDATE: The 2024-2025 guide has been added below… In 1912 Rudolf Steiner provided a “calendar of the soul,” weekly verses that express how the changing seasons in the natural world and in our own inner lives are helping our consciousness evolve. [Herbert O. Hagens has prepared dates for the Calendar for 2022-2023, 2023-2024, and 2024-2025.] In…

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Wellspring of Waldorf

A new video explores the origins of Waldorf education and the wellspring of its special insights and approaches: anthroposophy. There is also a special resource guide and membership offer.

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