Sophia Rising: Post-Conference

Recordings are available in our store for the excellent 3-part Sophia Rising webinar series featuring Dennis Klocek, Svava Carlsen, Robert McDermott, and more.

We expect to offer you soon recordings from the livestream of the Sophia Rising conference. Check back in a few days, and meanwhile you can read about the livestream coverage here, and review the full conference here.

The starting point for a new life of art can come only by direct stimulation from the spiritual world. We must become artists…by rising, through spiritual knowledge, more and more into the spiritual world.

Exploring the divine feminine through storytelling, biography, art, color, eurythmy, singing, speech, amazing offerings from Carrie Schuchardt, Mary Stewart AdamsHazel Archer-GinsbergStephanie Georgieff, and more.

Art by Eyahnna DalBo

Sophia Rising: Unveiling the Wisdom of Being Human was a gathering steeped in the Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico, a city world-renowned for its art scene, and full of inspiration from sky and landscape, the perfect place to unveil the creativity within our community.

  • An experiential ‘Soul Journey’ with Hazel Archer-Ginsberg and friends…
  • Eurythmy with Maria Ver Eecke and Singing with Jill McCormick throughout the weekend. 
  • Invoking Natura with Pastels with Helen-Ann Ireland
  • HeartMath with Michele Mariscal 
  • Collage and card-making with Angela Foster and Jordan Walker
  • An Art Dispersal hosted by Free Columbia, organized by Patricia Homan Lynch 
  • Sharing Stage for poetry and song hosted by Lucien Dante Lazar and Ultra-Violet Archer
  • A metal color light therapy experience, inspired by the glass windows at the Goetheanum, with Helena Hurrell & Lisa Edge

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