Supporting the Elementals
Then does the green mantle of plants so work upon us that we feel and perceive in our inner being something spiritually bursting forth into bloom…
The Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Body and in the Kingdoms of Nature ~ Rudolf Steiner

Our recent half-day conference, Supporting the Elementals, focused on connecting with the elemental world around us. IT IS AVAILABLE NOW IN THE STORE…
WHAT: Two lively keynotes plus interactive activities to support your connection with the natural world and the beings that inhabit it.
RECORDED: Saturday May 22
Supporting Elementals Through Outer Festivals and Inner Practices ~ Lisa Romero
Lisa Romero will share her ongoing work on deepening and developing the festivals as a conscious support for elemental beings and their important role in climate change and the world’s health.
Dialogue with Nature ~ Bastiaan Baan
Bastiaan Baan will introduce next steps in developing a relationship with the realm of life forces in nature. This method begins with sense perception and leads eventually to a spiritual dialogue with nature. Bring a flower or a blooming plant for plant observation.
Biography Work Interludes ~ Janey Newton
We human beings are continually having experiences with the elementals. For many of us there are brief moments when we become aware of these encounters. Together we will dip into our own biographies in order to recall and share some of those moments. The speaking of and listening to one another’s stories can bring forth a deeper understanding of the work and qualities of the elementals. Bring unlined paper and crayons/colored pencils.
The ASA Programs Team
Tess Parker & Laura Scappaticci
In regard to the conference Supporting the Elementals.
Please guide me in accessing the lectures..
Warn regards
Linda Stearns