Easter 2024 ~ Engaging the Mystery

Apr 02, 2024



Cost Donations welcome!

Event Contact Tess Parker | Email

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Join us for Easter 2024 ~ Engaging the Mystery, beginning this Tuesday, March 19, on the Spring Equinox!

Together we will engage with the Easter mystery through the esoteric imagery of the planetary seals at Spring Equinox. Following Easter itself, we will work with a contemporary “after image” form inspired by this year’s festival. This work of engaging with the Easter Mystery will also include an imagination on the celestial picture overarching this festival season.

Learn more and register here!

Join us for a program in three parts:

🌷 Tuesday, March 19 ~ Brian Gray will lead us in working with the planetary seals, which first appeared at the Munich Congress in 1907. Together we will learn how to draw the Sun Seal with a template and Brian’s guidance.

🌷 Tuesday, April 2 ~ Laura Embrey will lead us in an exercise to draw a form that carries the message of Christ’s gift of the incorruptible physical archetype. Mary Stewart Adams will share her research on the significance of the 40-day interval from Easter to Ascension, which includes the Total Solar Eclipse on the 8th day after Easter.

…Both sessions are online via Zoom at 7 pm Eastern/4 pm Pacific
Sessions will be recorded and made available within 24 hours to registrants.

🌷March 24 through April 2 ~ In addition to these two online offerings, participants will receive inspiring resources to support study and engagement through each day of the Holy Week (10 emails total).


  • The 8-fold path
  • The Harmony of the Gospels
  • Four recordings of the lecture cycle “The Easter Festival in the Evolution of the Mysteries” (GA 233a) given by Rudolf Steiner during Easter 1924

This program is offered freely with the ability to donate between $20-$60 to support this program and others.