Yes! You Can Have a Home Funeral

Aug 13, 2022 10:00AM—4:00PM


The Christian Community, 10 Green River Lane, Hillsdale, NY 12529

Cost $75

Event Contact Anne Barnes | Email

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Join Sacred Undertaking for a training in the ancient art of caring for your loved one at home at death and after.  Includes: Overview of advance directives, care of the body after death, setting up the vigil, finding options for green burial, working with the Funeral Home.

The focus is on learning how to create a meaningful experience at the time of a loved one’s death, how to keep one’s loved one at home and invite simplicity and sacredness to permeate this time of transition.

$75 per person. Limited to 10 people, reserve your space in advance.
Call (413) 429-6561 or email:

Presented by Sacred Undertaking—a Family Partnership
In the Red Building at the Christian Community in Hillsdale, NY.