“To Be” Festival Creating: Mysteries of Fire and Water for St. John’s 2023

Jun 20, 2023 7:30PM—9:00PM


ONLINE: Central Time (USA, Canada)

Cost $15 (suggested donation)

Event Contact Andrei Onegin | Email

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In the lectures given at Easter 1923, Rudolf Steiner described the soul maturity that was necessary in order for human beings to become “festival creating,” as a way of “doing the esoteric.”

In this online presentation, Mary Stewart Adams will lead a conversation about festival celebrations, particularly the Festival of St. John’s, so that together, we may know how far along to this “soul maturity” we have come, specifically by looking at what we use, individually and in community, to inform our festival activity.

The program is scheduled for Tuesday June 20 by intention, so that it occurs at the eve of Solstice and the three days of pause that culminates on St. John’s Day. This is so that, rather than study or muse in abstract thought, we can share ideas for ceremony that can be used now: ideas that are informed by the elements of water and fire, in harmony with earth and stars.

This program is held jointly by the Rudolf Steiner Branch of Chicago and the Great Lakes Branch in Ann Arbor, out of a shared striving to celebrate the sacred geography of our fresh water place in the world.

Thank you in advance for your contributions, which will be evenly shared between the two Branches!

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The lecture is free; $15 suggested donations
Please type “Mary Adams” on the first line of your payment application.
To make your payment, please follow the link: http://www.rschicago.org/donate