Study Group at Anthroposophy NYC

Jan 11, 2023 7:30PM


Online and in-person, Anthroposophy NYC, 138 West 15th Street, New York, NY 10011

Event Contact Walter Alexander | Email

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Dear Members and Friends,
With good wishes to all for a healthy and inspiring year, we’d like to announce a change in format for our Introductory Study Group for 2023 that may be of interest to you. We had last year established an onsite only policy out of sense of the enormous and unique value of in-person face-to-face  meetings. While nothing we experienced contradicts that, three factors have brought us to a change of thinking.
First, we take seriously the input from some members to the effect that winter weather and darkness add to the miseries of NYC driving and parking/late night public transportation travel. Second, the very recent success of our Holy Nights conversations–they were mostly Zoomed only and gathered a total attendance of about 450 with participants spanning five continents. Third, we’ve established a fairly simple and direct setup for hybrid meetings that allows onsite participants to see Zoom participants on a large screen and Zoomers to see and hear onsite folk—which gives us a versatility we didn’t have before.
So we’re opening up the next meeting (Wednesday, January 11, 7:30pm) to Zoom participants. We are working with attention/concentration/meditation exercises, discussing core spiritual science concepts and reading from Steiner’s How to Know Higher Worlds (preferably the Bamford translation). We’re at section 10 on page 46 in that translation (available in Kindle format for $0.99; paperback for $6.95). Also available at the Rudolf Steiner Bookstore.

All are welcome. If you wish to participate, send your request for a Zoom link to
Kind regards,
Walter Alexander