Personal and Relational Transformation through the Seven Planetary Soul Influences
Jan 17, 2023 7:00PM—9:00PM
ONLINE: Eastern Time (USA, Canada)
Cost $420 - $280 (sliding scale)
Event Contact Diane McGary | Email
Categories Eastern Region US, Medicine-Health-Therapies, Webinars - Live Stream
Through form drawing and the soul types model, Laura Embrey and Jennifer Goodman will bring a dynamic course exploring the planetary influences on soul development, integrating the gifts received from those spheres between death and this birth. This model of Rudolf Steiner’s opens us to ways of expanding our capacities and bringing more consciousness and flexibility to our thinking, feeling, and willing. Working with the planetary influences and complementary styles, we may discover a new ease in making changes that support our growth. Enhancing the experience, by helping us connect with our spiritual guidance, form drawing supports our efforts to draw upon the positive characteristics of each soul type.
7 Tuesdays, 7-9 PM, ET, via Zoom
January 17th – May 23rd
(Tuesdays, January 17th, February 7th, February 28th, March 21st, April 11th, May 2nd, May 23rd)
Cost: $350 is average, $420 for those who can afford it, sliding to $280 if needed. Payment plans available.
Register with Diane McGary at
Pay by venmo (@Tom-McGary), PayPal ( or tel. no. 978-273-9551), or checks payable to Tom McGary, 55 Emerald Drive, Dracut, MA 01826 USA
Supplies needed: white printer paper or art sketch pad, graphite pencil, eraser, straight- edge, set of assorted colored pencils, table or desk to draw on, and a notebook for journaling.
Laura Embrey is now serving as a board member at the Sacramento Waldorf School, where she recently retired from her position as Pedagogical director. She had previously worked at the Sacramento Waldorf School in both the lower and high schools, and as an English teacher at George Washington Carver High School in Rancho Cordova. She has both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from the University of California at Berkeley. She has published nine form drawing books and one novel. She lives with her partner, David, and her cat in Fair Oaks, CA.
Jennifer Goodman, M.Ed. is an anthroposophically trained counselor, weaving together traditional and holistic therapeutic approaches in her counseling and coaching sessions. She helps people align with their purpose and meaning, working with held beliefs, emotions, schematic thought structures, traumas and other imprints, in a way that develops more freedom and creates space for relational wellbeing. She brings a connection with Rudolf Steiner’s work and the Waldorf world, a lifelong background in meditation and Eastern philosophy, study of the Steiner’s planetary soul influences for personality transformation, Waldorf-based parent coaching and child counseling, mediation and relatedness skills, Social Inclusion work with schools and children, therapeutic arts, and Biographical Counseling. She has an M.Ed. in anthroposophical counseling, is a certified Waldorf Collaborative Counselor, a Magic Makers Coach, a Simplicity Parenting Coach, and a Social Inclusion Coach.