Exploring the Living Light of Color in Eurythmy

Jul 30, 2024 8:00AM—9:30AM


ONLINE: Pacific Time (USA, Canada)

Cost Donations welcome!

Event Contact Cynthia Hoven | Email

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The essential nature of color can be beautifully experienced and expressed in color through the etheric movement art of eurythmy. Speed, intensity, and muscle tension are all involved in color gesture, and are part of each sound we make visible in eurythmy.

As we learn to work with colors, we will also study some of Rudolf Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul verses for the months of summer, weaving color gestures into the sounds we choose to express the poem.

Four 75-minutes sessions
TUESDAY MORNINGS: July 9, July 16, July 23, July 30, at 8:15-9:30 AM PST

Registered participants will automatically receive a link to view the recorded lessons afterwards.

Classes are free, but donations are gratefully accepted, suggested amount of $10-$20 per class.
Pre-registration required at eurythmyonline.com. Click here.