Bridging Spiritual Science with Technology

Apr 22, 2023 2:00PM—3:30PM


ONLINE: Eastern Time (USA, Canada)

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Today’s world is full of technology: mechanical, electrical, digital, and so on. About one century ago, Rudolf Steiner, as well as other spiritual scientists, gave us insights into the spiritual realm. But how do these two connect? Building the bridge is indeed important. However, not much has been understood, tried, or even achieved up to now. This is so in spite of clear indications and even task descriptions to get on the way. In this webinar, we will be walking through this landscape of indications, trials and tasks in the field of spiritual science and technology. The webinar is intended to be of interest beginners in this field, as well as to spark enthusiasm for new experimental work in the expert. The English and German sources from which this content is taken are broad and may reveal new facts not known to everyone.

Frank Spaan, born Dutch, now living in Dornach / CH, obtained a degree in Astronomy / Physics / Mathematics / Astronomical Instrumentation from the University of Utrecht, a PhD on Digital Image Compression from the University of Delft, worked in several academic and industry positions – for example on direct exo-planet imaging and on X-ray space telescope optics – and published over 30 articles and books. Once he encountered Anthroposophy, he also took classes in art-therapy, music-therapy, Christology, Steiner-teaching, and biographical counseling; furthermore, he worked in the Section for Astronomy in Dornach and initiated the Elisabeth Vreede Institute / NL. Currently important areas of activity are research into Anthroposophical Astronomy and how to create art from Rudolf Steiner’s indications on painting. Languages are English, German, Dutch. See also