Changes Afoot: Council Chair’s Update


As you probably know, we are now actively taking applicants for the Director of Programs, part of the Leadership team of the Council. If you are interested, click on this link for the job description and application information. It will be an invigorating job for the right person!

 At our last Council meeting in Ann Arbor in August we said our ‘good-byes’ to Dave Alsop and Micky Leach for their years of service on the Council. Their last meeting will be at the AGM in October. Both have served with dedication, wisdom and thoughtfulness and we are sad to see them go—but wish them well in their future endeavors!

Joining the Council from the Central Region is Hazel Archer-Ginsberg, who is the new representative to the Council from the region. Hazel brings her deep love of Anthroposophy and many talents to our work. We are delighted to have her with us. Welcome, Hazel!

We also have another relatively new face representing the Eastern Region – Gino Ver Eecke. Gino joined us several months ago and has taken up the anthroposophical study for the Council. He has been leading us in studying Introduction to Anthroposophy, a lecture series from 1924 which is filled with the many riddles that Steiner is known to bestow upon us. Welcome, Gino!

Christine Burke will replace Micky Leach as the regional representative for the Western Region of the ASA and we welcome her to her new role. Christine is a baker, teacher, and brings her many years of engaging in Anthroposophical endeavors to enrich our work. She recently took on the editing of the Social Sciences Section newsletter. Welcome, Christine!

Helen-Ann Ireland
General Council Chair, Anthroposophical Society in America

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