A Mystery Drama Evening

May 23, 2023 7:00PM


Paloma Hall, 3920 Fairway Drive, Soquel, California

Cost Requested Donation: $20 or $10 for paid-up branch members. No one turned away.

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The ultimate Mystery Drama is life itself. In this regard, every branch meeting is a scene from an ongoing play conceived before we were born. This reality, arising out of the karmic ground of previous earth existence, finds artistic expression in Rudolf Steiner’s four Mystery Dramas written between 1910-1914.
The first Goetheanum, which was destroyed by fire a hundred years ago, was conceived and designed for the production of these plays. Therefore, it is fitting in this centennial year to turn to them. In doing so we tap into an inexhaustible source of inspiration, insight, and intrigue.

Although set in Middle Europe in the early 20th century, these plays are essentially universal in their portrayal of human archetypes, and, literally, timeless as they move back and forth through the centuries. So, let’s come together in our next monthly mystery drama Branch meeting for an artistic evening with the Mystery Dramas!

As Coleman described at our last meeting, there will be active participation and readings to be performed by those in attendance. Please help us make the turnout a big one!

Requested Donation: $20 or $10 for paid-up branch members.
No one turned away.