The Mysteries of Healing: Realizing AnthropoSophia

Jul 19, 2022—Jul 22, 2022


Kimberton, PA

Event Contact Christine Huston | Email

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“Love is the result of Wisdom that has been reborn in the I”

Keynote speakers: Ursula Flatters, MD, James Dyson, MD, and Marion Debus, MD

The “Mysteries of Healing” theme was created upon reflection of the questions, “What do we need to heal in order to best therapeutically accompany others?” and “How can we better serve the good in each human-to-human encounter?” 

Our three keynote speakers will be collaborating through the “Mysteries of Healing” evening lectures, practical teaching lectures, and interdisciplinary case presentations. Each presenter will bring a case for the interdisciplinary case groups for open discussion and sharing of insights. The case discussions will be followed by mid-day talks to develop practical therapeutic imaginations. We will illuminate these topics through singing, therapeutic artistic activities, and an interactive workshop titled “AnthropoSophia: Connecting Social and Individual Health”, led by Raphael Knauf MD and Jan Goeschel, PhD. The goal of this workshop is to strengthen our ideal intentions of working with solidarity, freedom and equality in medicine and therapies. 

The conference is open for members of the AHA, as well as non-members who are familiar with anthroposophy.

Join us in collaborating together for this most special AHA biennial conference in celebration of AnthropoSophia!

Please register for the Pre-Conference and the Main Conference separately. 

Register for the Pre-Conference here:

Register for the Main Conference here: