The Human Etheric Body in Biology and in Consciousness

Sep 19, 2024 6:00PM—Sep 26, 2024 7:30PM


ONLINE: Pacific Time (USA, Canada)

Cost Donations welcome!

Event Contact Cynthia Hoven | Email

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In preparation for understanding the “fallen ethers” employed by technology and the “living ethers” necessary for life and health, we will spend our first fall lecture modules studying “what is the etheric body.” Our primary text will be drawn from the first lecture that Rudolf Steiner gave in the lecture course “Eurythmy as Visible Speech.”

All classes are offered freely, but you are encouraged to participate in our energy exchange. In acknowledgement of the widely varying financial situations of all people, there is no fixed price for this work, but we suggest a donation of $10-$30 for each eurythmy webinar or anthroposophy lecture class, or $50-$150 per series.

Three 75-minutes sessions
THURSDAY EVENINGS: September 5, September 19, September 26, 2024, at 6:00-7:15 PM PST
No class on September 12

Registered participants will automatically receive a link to view the recorded lessons afterwards.

Classes are free, but donations are gratefully accepted, suggested amount of $10-$30 per class.
Pre-registration required at Click here.

Upcoming Series
– October 3, 2024 – Archangel Michael: Understanding and finding strength to face the Ahrimanic Assaults on the Etheric World (7 classes)
– December 5, 2024 – At the Turning Point of Time (3 classes)