The Goetheanum Building and the Anthroposophical Society: Past, Present, and Future

Nov 16, 2023 6:00PM—7:30PM


ONLINE: Pacific Time (USA, Canada)

Cost Suggested Donation: $50-$150

Event Contact Cynthia Hoven | Email

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Students of anthroposophy from around the world spent last year’s New Year’s Eve in solemn vigils, observing the 100th anniversary of the First Goetheanum. This year, students will spend the entirety of Christmas week earnestly remembering Rudolf Steiner’s deed of redemption in creating his answer to the burning: the founding of the Anthroposphical Society as a new community on the Earth. Brian Gray will begin and prepare our commemorations with three presentations, showing the metamorphosis from out of the first Goetheanum into the creation of the new community.

  • November 2: The First Goetheanum and Its Speaking
  • November 9: The Second Goetheanum as the Inversion of the First
  • November 16: The Anthroposophical Society as the Living Goetheanum

All who have registered will receive links to the recordings afterwards!
Register at:

Pre-Requisites: None, Beginner Friendly

All classes are offered freely, but you are encouraged to participate in our energy exchange. In acknowledgement of the widely varying financial situations of all people, there is no fixed price for this work, but we suggest a donation of $50 for each each lecture class or $150 for the series.

Future Series:

December: The Living Forms of the Foundation Stone Meditation as a Revelation of the Human Temple