Rudolf Steiner and the Majestic Seven

May 25, 2024 12:00PM—2:00PM


ONLINE (Central Time)

Cost Lecture is free, $15 suggested contribution

Event Contact Andrei Onegin | Email

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Saturday, May 25, 2024, 12:00 – 2:00 pm CT
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 8629 5591

The event is organized by Rudolf Steiner Branch of The Anthroposophical Society, hosted by Yuriy Yurchenko, MD, Russia.

– Goetheanum architecture
– The Ancient Egyptian Temple of Hathor
– Drawings of the new form
– Planetary Seals
– The planet Earth studies

For more information, please, contact Yuriy Yurchenko, MD, at

The lecture is free, but a $15 suggested donation per presentation will help to support this program and provide for a speaker honorarium.
Please type “Frank C.” on the first line of your payment application.
To make your payment, please, follow the link

Frank Chester’s exploration of the relationship between form and spirit led him to do deep creative research on the number seven. By applying an alchemical transformative process to his seven-sided form, he has discovered many previously unknown geometric structures that demonstrate a remarkable correlation to the form and functioning of the human heart.

Host of the lecture: Yuriy Yurchenko, MD, Russia
Yuriy Yurchenko is a Family Doctor (GP), practicing medicine since 1993 as a qualified medical doctor. Member of the Anthroposophical Society in the Great Britain and the Anthroposophical Medical Association (Goetheanum, Dornach) since 1996. Lives in St. Petersburg since 2003. Member of the Anthroposophical Society in Russia since 2004. Since 2015 Chairman of the socially oriented non-profitable public organization Friends of Pavlovsk Society (whose main statutory tasks are: implementing the anthroposophical projects in the social organism of the current cultural epoch; improving contemporaries’ quality of life). Organizer of various workshops, seminars and study groups based on Anthroposophy (including Bothmer gymnastics, artistic therapy, “Earthly & Cosmic Nourishment of Man”; currently runs a study group with the emphasis on the Three Logoi and the hidden aspects of the evolutionary spiritual streams as reflected in Steiner’s works & lectures).