Rhythms of Becoming

Feb 09, 2022 7:00PM—8:30PM


ONLINE: Pacific Standard Time (US)

Cost $10

Event Contact Sandra Stoner | Email

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PRESENTATION BY MARY ADAMS SMITH, sponsored by the Faust Branch, Sacramento, CA

In his lecture “Rhythms in the Being of Man” (January 12, 1909), Rudolf Steiner describes the harmonious “speeds of rotation” between the human ego, astral, etheric, and physical bodies, which he explains will allow us “to understand in a deeper way both the necessity and the object of the Anthroposophical movement.” Click here to read this lecture.

Taking this lecture as her starting point, Mary Stewart Adams will lead us through a consideration of what these rhythms reveal when applied to an individual’s biography, as well as to the deeds and activities of Rudolf Steiner, which is one way to prepare for the culminating 100 year rhythms in the history of the Anthroposophical movement.

Mary Adams Smith is a star lore historian and host of the weekly public radio segment and podcast “The Storyteller’s Night Sky,” designed to restore the mythic grandeur of knowing the stars. Through her research in spiritual science and her education in literary arts, Mary has developed a unique, humanities-based approach to understanding our relationship with the stars, which she has used as a global dark sky advocate. In 2011, she led the team that established the 9th International Dark Sky Park in the world in her home state of Michigan.

Zoom Session: Wednesday, February 9
7:00 pm-8:30 pm PST (US)

Admission for lectures: Faust Branch members $5, non-members $10, payable via PayPal by clicking the DONATION button at www.faustbranch.org.

Click here to visit the registration page and access the Zoom link.