Returning to Simple Traditions Preparing for a Home Vigil and Funeral

Mar 04, 2023 10:00AM—3:00PM


Christian Community Church, 10 Green River Lane, Route, Hillsdale, NY

Cost $75

Event Contact Anne Barnes | Email

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Join Sacred Undertaking for a training in the ancient art of caring for your loved one at home at death and after.

Included: Overview of advance directives, care of the body after death, setting up the vigil, finding options for green burial, and working with a funeral home.

The focus is on learning how to create a meaningful experience at the time of a loved one’s death, how to keep one’s loved one at home and invite simplicity and sacredness to permeate this time of transition.

$75 per person. Limited to 10 people, reserve your space in advance.
Call (413) 429-6561 or email
Lunch: Bring something to share