Living Connections: Bridging the Abyss

Sep 08, 2022—Sep 11, 2022


Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland

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Attention: Conference canceled. Program changed! (see below)

Around the world, polarizations and divisions are deepening. Parallel worlds are emerging, and people no longer understand each other. Yes, some immunize themselves against others’ views, and communication mainly takes place in one’s own echo chamber. Even “meditation” does not always seem able to counteract this tendency.

Virtues – such as equilibrium, positivity and impartiality – are suddenly not just individually, but socially relevant.

This “Meditation” often serves as a means to support the individual. It is, after all, primarily a path of turning inward; a way of deepening one’s sense of individual Self. Yet, through the process, Meditation can also become a way of growing more and more consciously into spiritual and social responsibility. So how to begin a practice of meditation in this way? What are the next steps?

These questions, and more, we intend to explore – through practice and experiential exchange in our upcoming gathering:

  • What is anthroposophical meditation?
  • How does one begin a meditative path?
  • What experiences await us?
  • How can Living Connections build bridges?
  • Do these meditation-based bridges rest their pillars in a common world?
  • How can meditation be a gateway to universal human-ness?
  • What meditative challenges arise from the tension between individuality and society?
  • Do these precarious conditions call for ‘principles of initiation’ to ‘become principles of civilisation’?

Program Change

Due to too few registrations, we have to postpone the joint processing of these questions and topics.

We will discuss which form and which date is suitable for this with those who have registered so far and with the course leaders. See reduced program

More information and suggestions:

Please contact us: Living-Connections