Lifting The Veil

Nov 26, 2022 2:00PM—4:00PM


ONLINE: Central Time (USA, Canada)

Cost $15 (suggested contribution)

Event Contact Andrei Onegin | Email

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Exploring the Mysteries of Good and Evil with the Help of Anthroposophy and Reading the Signs of the Times. PART II.
ONLINE PRESENTATION BY FLORIAN SYDOW, the Anthroposophical Society in Hawaii.

To watch Part I:
Lifting The Veil: Exploring The Mysteries of Good and Evil… PART I. Presentation by Florian Sydow

The Initiation of Humanity, which has been underway since the 1840s, involves the collective crossing of the threshold and the encounter with the Mystery of Evil. The battle in the Heavens that began at that time between Michael and his hosts and the Dragon, culminated in November 1879 with the casting down of the Spirits of Darkness, which gave rise to the dawning of a New Michel Age. Since then this great battle has been transferred to the human realm that contributed to the tragedies embodied in the 1st and 2nd world wars, which led to the development and first use of nuclear weapons. The cold war that followed contributed to the proliferation of such weapons of mass destruction that continue to threaten the Future of the Earth and Humanity. There is a hidden background to these events, which includes the working of secret brotherhoods that Rudolf Steiner sought to expose.

Humanity currently faces a host of major challenges, among them the environmental crises, which includes the devastating effects of climate change, the widespread extinction of animal species, an uncertain global economic outlook exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, and the emerging superpower rivalry between the US and China, which can be expected to play a significant role in the period ahead. Technological innovations, including Artificial Intelligence, robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology, are converging and in danger of getting out of human control.

During this presentation, we shall explore the more occult dimensions of these unfolding events and seek to lift the veil to expose the hidden workings of the secret brotherhoods who work in the dark shadows and the adversarial forces that they serve. This raises the question as to how those of us who are awake and watchful can rise to meet these great challenges by aligning ourselves with the Michael-Christ forces that are shining towards us out of the Etheric Aura of the Earth.

The event is organized by the program committee of Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch.

For more information, please, contact Andrei Onegin at

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The lecture is free.
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