Leadership in Transformation (LiT) Forums 2022-2023

Jun 08, 2022 7:00PM—9:00PM


ONLINE: Times are in GMT

Cost $30 - $100

Event Contact The World Social Initiative Forum | Email

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LiT Forums is an online peer-learning program beginning March 22nd. The first four sessions, monthly from March through June, offer an essentialized experience of what the Full Program will explore in greater depth beginning October 2022.

Join other leading individuals from around the world who are already on a path of inquiry toward healthier relationships with the Self, Community, and Planet Earth. We seek self transformation so greater good may become. Together we will investigate themes of societal metamorphosis utilizing a 4 part methodology. These steps and questions are what align us into a peer-learning research community.

The WSIF’s extensive LiT Forum series started March 22 with an admirable talk by Aonghus Gordon, “Freedom in Culture: From limitation to potentiality (The ‘I as I’).” (Aonghus spoke on Friday at the Groh Farm, in Wilton, NH, to a group looking to form a federation of groups in the region doing therapeutic work with young people through crafts, farming, and outdoor experiences.)

Next up, on April 6th, is Carrie Schuchardt, MEd, of the House of Peace, who has lived and worked with refugees since 1980. Carrie will speak on “Equality in the Rights Sphere: From power to agreement. (‘I and You’).”

May 4th brings ASA general secretary John Bloom with “Association in the Economic Sphere: From scarcity to abundance (‘We in the World’).”

On June 8, Thea Maria Carlson will round out the first group of offerings with “Cooperation in Ecology: From competition to collaboration (‘We and Beyond’)”.