Inner Development and Social Commitment

Mar 25, 2022 3:00PM—4:30PM


ONLINE - times given are Eastern Time US; Pacific Time US is 12 noon, Paris time is 8pm

Cost $8

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Being an Anthroposophist in Wartime, with Gerard Hafner

The Société anthroposophique en France has organized a zoom conference by Gerard Hafner, Head of the Social Science Section at the Goetheanum: Friday March 25, 2022 – 20:00 – 21:30 (Paris time)

“Cultivating anthroposophy opens up to impulses that may seem to be opposed: on the one hand, self-knowledge that directs our gaze inward, and on the other, the aspiration to know and transform the world in order to contribute to the realization of a more humane society. The tension between these two poles can be experienced at the individual level, but also at the social level. How do these two dimensions, inner and outer, of the spiritual life interact? Gerald Häfner’s contribution will focus on this question.”

Gerard Hafner will be giving the lecture in German.  A French simultaneous translation was organized, and now also an English translation.