Gratitude for the Sun, and the Light

Mar 13, 2023 7:00PM—8:30PM


Anthroposophy NYC, 138 W 15th St, New York, NY 10011

Cost Donations welcome!

Event Contact Linda Larson | Email

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With our next eurythmy workshop, on March 13, 2023, we will continue with Gratitude for the Sun, and the Light that it gives to us, and to the world, and it is fine to come even if you were not at the last workshop. We will all move to this poem composed by a group of Russian poets from the mid-twentieth century, who called themselves “Kalugin.” Please all feel welcome to join us for this evening of moving together with eurythmy.

If you’d like to bring a friend and introduce them to eurythmy, no previous experience is necessary, and please bring soft-soled shoes.

Eurythmist Linda Larson facilitates eurythmy workshops, seminars, eurythmy in the workplace, and also practices therapeutic eurythmy. She completed her trainings at the Van Der Pals Eurythmy Academy, Dornach, Switzerland, and the London School of Therapeutic Eurythmy in England. Previous to meeting eurythmy, Ms. Larson earned a Bachelor of Science from the University of Delaware and an M.F.A. from Cranbrook Academy of Art. She is a member of the Association of Therapeutic Eurythmy in North America (ATHENA), and the Eurythmy Association of North America (EANA).