Fruit Tree 101 with Josias Harder
Oct 19, 2024 10:00AM—12:00PM
Blossom's Farm, 2033 San Juan Road, Aromas, CA 95004
Cost $65
Event Contact Blossom's Farm | Email
Categories Biodynamic Agriculture, Western Region US, Workshop
This two-hour deep dive into the world of an orchard.
Josias will take you through the life cycle of a tree, starting with how to properly plant a tree, how to train and prune it, and how to maintain it for optimal health.
We will look at the metabolism of a fruit tree so we can understand what it needs, at which point in the year to be successful, integrated pest management in the orchard, orchard tools, and a brief description of the main types of fruit trees that we grow and what you need to know about them. This includes what wood they fruit on, what pathogens they are most susceptible to, and what to do about this, and any unique things you should know about the fruit trees you are growing.