Fire Born – Anthroposophy in America

Apr 29, 2023 2:00PM—4:00PM


ONLINE: Central Time (USA, Canada)

Cost $15 (suggested donation)

Event Contact Andrei Onegin | Email

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As we approach the 100th anniversary of the Foundation Stone meeting some feel that it is important to take a look back – with some objectivity – and see what our warm hearts have done in the world. Would Rudolf Steiner say that we have shown ourselves to be worthy? Have we a good star shining over that which we willed? Is the Society strong and healing? How’d we do?

Our story began with Persecution and the “Fire.” But our research has shown that the fire in 1927 called forth Initiative and Inspiration – worldwide. The American Society story begins in 1927.

In creating FIRE BORNE – and telling the history – we have included several of the more than two-dozen legal BY-LAWS as they appeared from 1933 to the present. These formal, legal documents change over time and tell a tale of how leadership tried in each generation to create a vessel for the spirit. The American Society took on a formal, legal form in 1933, as a NY State Membership organization/corporation.

But that has changed over time until finally a few years ago, the Society “formally” became NOT a NY State membership organization. This presentation will present the history and tell the story of a trajectory leading up to today – to this year – to this moment.

Let us as “members” review or describe what participating in the Anthroposophical Society has meant to us. And, what do we see about the Society today and going ahead as leaders try to re-imagine the worldwide Society.

Jean Yeager is former Administrative Director of The Anthroposophical Society in America (1996-2006),
Waldorf dad and grand-dad, practicing Quaker, and prison volunteer.

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Meeting ID: 853 5756 3418

The event is organized by program committee of Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch.
For more information, please, contact Andrei Onegin at
The lecture is free.
$15 suggested donations; please type “J. Yeager” on the first line of your payment application.
To make your payment, please, follow the link