Finding the Hummingbird Principle in Your Biography

Sep 07, 2024 11:00AM


Front Range Anthroposophical Café, 780 Quince Circle, Boulder, CO 80304 (U.S. Mountain Time, MT)

Cost Donations welcome!

Event Contact Tom Altgelt | Email

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Out of this impulse, Chris Burke and Anne de Wild created The Hummingbird Principle, a biography and social art initiative that has brought lectures and workshops to conferences around the world and to the online Applied Anthroposophy Course. They have now published a book on this theme, which looks at the world through seven different lenses based on the seven classical planets—Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The chapters explore the mood and essential qualities of each planet and connect them to examples from music, art, culture, literature, mythology, and their work as a psychology professor and naturopath. Drawing on their experience as biography and social art facilitators, the chapters also incorporate biographical prompts, perfect for self-reflection and for sharing with others. The result is a journey of self-exploration to promote deeper understanding and compassion, as well as more effective engagement with the world.

In this session, they will introduce the idea of the hummingbird principle and work with biographical questions related to the themes in the book.

Anne de Wild is a mother of four grown up children and works as a naturopath and biography worker in her own practice in Basel, Switzerland. Together with Chris Burke, a psychology professor at Lehigh University, PA, she founded the Hummingbird Principle, a platform to bring Biography and Social Art into the world. They are working with the big and small questions of our time and create thoughts, workshops, and hope to inspire all kinds of people around the globe. There will also be a work book coming out soon, called The Hummingbird Principle, Seven Lenses to Become More Human.

Chris Burke has a Ph.D. in psychology and has taught at Lehigh University since 2008. He bumped into anthroposophy a few years later, and since then he’s been working to bring these two worlds together. He received training in anthroposophical biography work from the Center for Biography and Social Art, where he met Anne de Wild. Together, they launched an initiative called The Hummingbird Principle, which supports individuals in meeting the challenges of modern life through biographical exploration. They have brought biography workshops to conferences around the world and have contributed biography work to the Applied Anthroposophy Course since its inception in 2020. They have a forthcoming book, also called The Hummingbird Principle, that takes a deep dive into the planetary archetypes and how to work with them in daily life. He also offers private biographical consultations to a small number of clients. When he’s not working, you can find him spending time with his family, cooking, woodworking, or playing the guitar. He lives in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, with his wife Jerilyn and three amazing children. Learn more: and

Up-Coming Café Guests

Please watch for our First Saturday Cafés as we periodically will hear from Café Guests outside of North America!

Friday, September 13: Carol Kelly

Friday, September 27: Andrew Linnell

First Saturday, October 5: Bastiaan Baan