Eurythmy Therapy Exercises to Support Eye Health

Jan 31, 2023 8:00AM—9:30AM


ONLINE: Pacific Time (USA, Canada)

Cost $10-$30 (recommended donation)

Event Contact Cynthia Hoven | Email

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Three sessions with guest eurythmist Barbara Bressette-Mills

Tuesdays, January 17, 24, 31, 2023, 8:15-9:30 AM PST

Too much screen time giving you eye strain, neck aches and headaches? Eurythmy can help!

Through encouraging inner warmth, flexibility, and breathability, we can release the stress from our head/nerve sense system and rejuvenate our life forces.

In the first session, we will work on ways to breathe through our organism in relation the dimensions of space. We’ll work with rhythms, polarities, the breathing gestures of the vowels, and foot work that can encourage flexibility and mobility in visual accommodation.

We will build on this breathing work in the second and third sessions, adding specific gestures and movements in space that address tension and stress so as to calm the eyes and loosen the neck and spine.

Pre-Requisites: None, Beginner Friendly

All classes are offered freely, but you are encouraged to participate in our energy exchange. In acknowledgement of the widely varying financial situations of all people, there is no fixed price for this work, but we suggest a donation of $10-$30 for each eurythmy and each lecture class.

Barbara Bressette-Mills is originally from Kansas, and completed her eurythmy training in Spring Valley, NY, in 1991. Afterwards she taught and performed in Michigan and throughout the Great Lakes region. She moved to Austin in 1996 to co-found the Austin Eurythmy Ensemble, touring and performing for seven years. Her work in eurythmy has included teaching in Waldorf schools, adult sessions for faculty, parents, other social groups, teacher training programs, Lifeways courses, and home-school groups. She later co-founded Chaparral Eurythmy and completed her therapeutic eurythmy training in 2007. Currently, she has a private practice and is adjunct faculty in the Therapeutic Eurythmy Training in North America, offering courses and webinars in therapeutic eurythmy for eye conditions. Recently, she relocated to Michigan.