Eurythmy as a Personal Practice Cycle 1: Strengthen your Immune System

Sep 21, 2021 8:00AM—Oct 12, 2021


Online! Time is US-Pacific

Cost Free: Donations welcome

Event Contact Cynthia Hoven | Email

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We all still need this eurythmy support! Through a personal eurythmy practice, you will learn movements that will bring harmony to your body, soul and spirit. With this practice, you can overcome many stressors in your life, becoming peaceful and overcoming fear. These in turn are essential qualities to strengthen our forces of resilience.

In this 4-week series, we will lay the foundation for a eurythmy practice with many basic warm-up exercises. We will deepen this with 5 beautiful movement sequences that support health in a threefold way—head, heart and limbs. By focusing on strengthening our ability to live harmoniously in our bodies with our entire soul and spirit, these “Soul-exercises” are some of the most beautiful exercises in eurythmy.