Conversations for Easter Holy Week 2023

Apr 08, 2023 7:00PM


ONLINE: Eastern Time (USA, Canada)

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A series of Zoom conversations during this coming Holy Week from April 3-8 (except Friday, April 7). We hope you will join us, and through your participation help make this Easter season a celebration of renewal and community at Anthroposophy NYC.

Monday, April 3 at 7:00pm. The Passion. Fred Dennehy.
Retired attorney and current actor and playwright Fred Dennehy will introduce this conversation. “The story of the Passion is not confined to events involving characters from long ago. The Passion is happening now, and we ourselves are part of it. We are the sleeping disciples, Peter the denier and Pilate the avoider. Can we also say ‘Not I, but Christ in me?’”

Tuesday, April 4, at 7:00pm. Redemption. Don Bartlett.
Anthroposophist and retired psychotherapist Don Bartlett will introduce a conversation on redemption. “Especially at this time of year when Easter and the Mystery of Golgotha are upon us, redemption is an important topic and process. We will explore the role of Christ, the individual, and Cosmos. Because spiritual evolution is not guaranteed, we will speak of the essential steps leading to redemption.”

Wednesday, April 5, at 7:00 pm. Anointing and Betraying. Joanna Bergmann.
“On Wednesday of Holy Week, Emil Bock takes us through the events of the day. He writes about Wednesday being ‘…the turning point, Mercury’s Day, and how the consummation of Christ’s life moves into a deeper stillness.’ He contrasts Mary Magdalene (anointing), who is at this Wednesday supper in Bethany, with Judas Iscariot (betraying). They are both at the same table with the other disciples. As ‘Mercury people,’ both are ‘active and temperamental,’ but in very different ways. I will share with you some of Bock’s elucidations and open up a discussion afterwards.”

Thursday, April 6, at 7:00pm. The Arc of Evolution. Walter Alexander.
Writer and anthroposophist Walter Alexander will introduce a conversation on the confluence of holidays embodied in Easter. “The Last Supper was a Passover meal celebrating the bypassing of Hebrews’ households by the Angel of Death before their exodus from Egypt and emergence as a people under the Law. In Easter we have the intentional acceptance of death and its overcoming. Overall, we see the emergence of the Intellectual Soul from the Sentient Soul and then the developing possibility of rebirth through willed sacrifice beginning in the Consciousness Soul. We’ll examine how these three epochs live in us—and share together our thoughts about their interplay.

Saturday, April 8, at 7:00pm. Holy Saturday. Anthroposophist and life coach Joyce Reilly.
“Holy Saturday is a still point in the procession towards Easter morning. Traditionally this is the day in the year in which masses are not celebrated, the last day of Lenten fasting and repentance. The tumult and agony of these holy days has ended, sorrow and absence are keenly felt. The pain of loss, uncertainty of the future, the desire for meaning, doubt: these fill the void left by the Lord’s death.
In this quiet moment, let’s pull together the threads of our Holy Week conversations, and form a picture of this journey we have taken together. Let’s use this still point to reflect, but most of all to prepare for the Coming Forth, to create an open space for the Risen One to arrive in our broken hearts and broken world. And then we can say-hallelujah!”

Anthroposophy NYC is inviting you to scheduled Zoom meetings:
Topic: Holy Week Conversations
Apr 3, 2023 07:00 PM
Apr 4, 2023 07:00 PM
Apr 5, 2023 07:00 PM
Apr 6, 2023 07:00 PM
Apr 8, 2023 07:00 PM

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