Calling It Like It Is: Uncovering and Dismantling Racism in the Waldorf Movement

Oct 27, 2023 7:00PM—Oct 28, 2023 3:30PM


ONLINE: Eastern Time (USA, Canada)

Cost $175

Event Contact Barbara Vitale | Email

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The protests that followed the killings of members of our Black communities in spring 2020 served to wake many people up to the realities of racism in America—realities to which the Waldorf movement has not been immune. Accepting the fact that racism exists within Waldorf education and taking on the work of recognizing and eradicating it from our classrooms is a goal to which we must commit ourselves if we are to truly educate our children (and ourselves) toward freedom.

Calling It Like It Is: Uncovering and Dismantling Racism in the Waldorf Movement was first presented by Sunbridge in September 2020. The need for and interest in the event proved to be so widespread, it has been repeated to new audiences several times since. This workshop is an encore presentation of that original event.

Over the course of three one-and-a-half-hour sessions taking place virtually in real-time on Friday evening and Saturday morning and afternoon, this workshop will:

  • Define and articulate the ways many Waldorf school curricula center whiteness and set it up as an ideal, to the detriment of all
  • Use the frameworks of racial identity formation and biography work to better understand how we become who we are in a racialized society and how that impacts our engagement with the children in our care
  • Share practical tools, resources, and success stories with the goal of dismantling racism in Waldorf schools and communities.

Facilitators: Keelah Helwig, Vicki Larson, and Heather Scott

Friday evening, October 27: 7:00 pm-8:30 pm ET
Saturday, October 28: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm and 1:00-2:30 pm ET

This workshop takes place in live zoom sessions. Sessions will not be recorded.