Association for a Healing Education Online Seminars
Sep 26, 2021 12:00AM—1:00PM
ONLINE - time given is Eastern US
Cost Free intro
Event Contact Renni Greenberg | Email
Categories Education-Waldorf-Steiner
AHE is excited to announce our second year of monthly online seminars geared for teachers and other professionals interested in current topics focused on meeting the changing learning needs of children today. Homeschooling parents are also warmly welcomed. We invite you to a free, one hour introductory online meeting on Sunday, Sept. 26, 2021 at 12 noon EDT. If you would like to attend this meeting, send an email to Renni Greenberg at to receive a Zoom link.
The two hour sessions are scheduled on Sundays at noon EST on the following dates: Oct. 17, Nov. 14, Dec. 12, 2021 and Jan. 9, Feb. 13, Mar. 13, 2022.
Seminar cost is $30 per individual session or $120 if paid up front for all 6 sessions. Payment can be made online or by check. To pay online, click here. If you prefer to pay by check, send an email to for instructions on how to proceed.
One participant in last year’s seminar series had this to say: “…I am so grateful for that opportunity to connect with you all every month. In a year where nothing seemed familiar, having the guidance and support of the AHE group was very grounding. I hope my article convinces others to join the online platform in the future; it was truly a silver lining to the pandemic. Thank you again for your important work in the world!” -Kathy Fraser, California, Education Specialist and Resource Teacher. To download Kathy’s article about her experience in the seminar, click here (you will need to log in to your site user account).