An esoteric riddle, its importance for today, with Richard Ramsbotham, UK

Dec 11, 2021 1:00PM—3:00PM


ONLINE, Central Time US

Cost $ 15 suggested donations

Event Contact Andrei Onegin | Email


William Shakespeare, Francis Bacon, James 1 and Christian Rosenkreutz. An esoteric riddle and its importance for today.’ Richard Ramsbotham. Online presentation.

“The present world-crisis raises questions on a quite unprecedented scale about the dangers and the moral soundness of one-sidedly materialistic science (and medicine). Francis Bacon (1561-1626) played a leading role in the creation of of this modern scientific method. Yet certain esoteric groups see Bacon very differently, comparing him with William Shakespeare and Christian Rosenkreutz. What is the truth of this? How can the solving of this riddle help us understand the potentially catastrophic paths materialistic science can lead us down? And most importantly, what can it teach us about what’s needed if we are to overcome these dangers and ultimately find different, healthier ways forward?”

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