A Strategy for Engaging in the Great Spiritual Battle for the Future of the Earth and Humanity

Feb 25, 2022 7:00PM—9:00PM


ONLINE: Central Standard Time (US)

Cost $15.00 (suggested donation)

Event Contact Andrei Onegin | Email

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Part Two: Renewal of the Grail Mysteries In Our Time and Co-Creating The New Jerusalem
An online lecture by Florian Sydow, of the Anthroposophical Society in Hawaii

Florian Sydow will be drawing upon Rudolf Steiner’s prophetic indications that a culmination of the Anthroposophical Movement would arise towards the end of the twentieth century and words such as the following which he went on to proclaim:
“This indeed is the time of great decisions — the great crisis to which the sacred books of all time have referred — for in reality the present age is meant. Such indeed is the peculiar nature of the Michael impulses: they are fraught with great decisions, and they become decisive especially in this our age… I have said that those who stand with full intensity within the Anthroposophical Movement will return at the end of the century, and others (Platonists) will then unite with them, for by this means the salvation of the earth and earthly civilisation from destruction must eventually be settled. This is the mission of the Anthroposophical Movement, which weighs on the one hand so heavily upon one’s heart, while on the other hand it moves the heart, uplifts it with enthusiasm. This mission we must understand and see.” (Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies – Vol. 3, Lecture 9 August 03, 1924)

For the Zoom link, click here to visit the Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch’s calendar page.

Limited to 500 participants. The lecture will be recorded.

The lecture is free.
Suggested donation is $15.00, via PayPal or with your credit/debit card
Important: Please type “Florian S.” on the first line of your payment application.
To make your payment, please, follow the link https://donate.rschicago.org/

The event is organized by program committee of Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch.
For more information, please, contact Andrei Onegin at aonegin@rschicago.org.