A Room of One’s Own

Mar 23, 2025 2:00PM—4:00PM


ONLINE: Eastern Time (USA, Canada)

Cost $25 - $100 (sliding scale)

Event Contact Center for Biography and Social Art | Email

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“The path of anthroposophy is a path of inner transformation and spiritual awakening.” – Rudolf Steiner

“We all need sacred place where you don’t know what was in the news that morning, you don’t know who your friends are, you don’t know what you owe anybody, or what they owe you. A place where you can simply experience and bring out what you are and what you might be. A place of creative and spiritual incubation.” – Joseph Campbell

The most essential characteristic in the human being today is the striving to be an individuality, the striving to concentrate individual forces of personality, to find a central point within ourselves. So in our busy lives, there is a need to stop in the midst of time to feel different, be different, creating transformation in yourself and in the world. Having a “room” inside or in nature, enables us to feel gratitude for space and time, where living into the moment can create the reverence of awareness and awe.

When we are enveloped in this room of our own, it is different from anyone else’s experience, deepening connection to yourself and what is inside you. And by bringing attention and love to our place, we create a reciprocal relationship, strengthening its connection to the world for its transformation as well.

In this workshop, we will explore these spaces, discover new ones and express what happens in this process of becoming through drawing, discussion and writing… and understand why our Room is so important, especially in our world today.

Diane Piette taught history and English for 34 years before retiring. She received her certificate in the Waldorf Teacher Training Program, but decided to stay in Chicago public schools using what she learned to enliven subjects through story and art. She completed the Biography and Social Art Program and is on the journey of working with individuals and groups–facilitating their process of understanding why they are who they are–with the answers they already have within themselves. She is also on the Board of the Center for Biography and Social Art as Secretary.

Please bring pen, paper and some colored pencils or crayons.

In order to respect the privacy of our participants, we do not record any of our sessions on zoom. The link will be sent to you the day prior to the workshop to the email that you registered with.

Online Public Workshop: Sliding scale suggested donation is $25.00 – $100.00
You can pay by PayPal and or mail a check to CBSA:
41 Hubbard Ave, Northampton, MA, 01060 USA