Eurythmy Allergy Sequence

Jul 02, 2024 8:00AM—9:30AM


ONLINE: Pacific Time (USA, Canada)

Cost Donations welcome!

Event Contact Cynthia Hoven | Email

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Join eurythmy therapist Barbara Bresette-Mills for a study of the hay fever and allergies sequence, beginning June 18 through July 2.

Do you have hay fever? Allergies? For the next three Tuesdays the website will feature a short series of eurythmy classes with guest eurythmy therapist Barbara Bresette-Mills. She will teach a standard “Allergy Sequence” for you to take up as a daily personal practice to help you overcome your senstivities.

Barbara writes: “These sessions will focus on the health-bringing elements of eurythmy: movements that not only enliven our physical body, but can relieve stress, and even support the health of the eyes.
Many experience strain from increased computer screen time, so, through encouraging inner warmth, flexibility, and breathability, we can release the stress from our head/nerve sense system and rejuvenate our life forces.

In the first lesson, we will work on ways to breathe through our organism in relation to the dimensions of space. We’ll work with rhythms, polarities, the breathing gestures of the vowels, and foot work that can encourage flexibility and mobility in visual accommodation. We will build on this breathing work in the second and third lessons, adding specific gestures and movements in space that address tension and stress so as to calm the eyes and loosen the neck and spine.

Tuesdays, June 18, June 25, and July 2, 2024, 8:15 AM – 9:30 AM

Classes are free, but donations are gratefully accepted, suggested amount of $10-$30 per class.
Pre-registration required at Click here.