The Path of the New Mysteries

Aug 04, 2024 ALL DAY


Threefold Educational Foundation, Chestnut Ridge (Spring Valley), New York

Cost $500

Event Contact Barbara Renold | Email

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Engaging with the 19 Lessons of the First Class of the School of Spiritual Science
A conference for Members of the School, Blue Card Required

Does anthroposophy have a future? This question seems to have been very much alive for Rudolf Steiner in the weeks leading up to the Christmas Foundation Meeting. Was it this question that inspired his decision to inaugurate the esoteric work of the School for Spiritual Science? He knew that it was only through an esoteric deepening that new life could flow into the spiritual work and allow anthroposophical practice to bear fruit in the world.

The year 2024 is the 100th anniversary of the esoteric lessons given for members of the First Class of the School for Spiritual Science. From Sunday, August 4th, through Saturday, August 10th, we will mark this anniversary with a conference focused on bringing the path described by the Class Lessons to light. Over the course of the week, we will experience all 19 lessons held in groupings of two or three to gain a deeper understanding of the stream that flows through the constellation of the lessons as a whole.

In addition to working with the lessons, participants will be invited to explore some of the deeper riddles of social artistry and the challenge of re-presencing anthroposophy. There will also be ample opportunity to work artistically with aspects of the lessons.

This will be a working meeting that, while honoring the past, looks towards the future. Can we in our work together birth impulses capable of bringing new vitality to the School for Spiritual Science in North America? What are the inner and outer gestures of a truly modern esoteric path?