What Our Hands Speak

Oct 08, 2023 2:00PM—4:00PM


ONLINE: Eastern Time (USA, Canada)

Cost $25 - $100 (sliding scale)

Event Contact Center for Biography and Social Art | Email

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The Center for Biography and Social Art

…the wave of a hand in acknowledgment, the open hand as a sign of benign intent, a finger across the lips to enjoin silence, the raised hands of a prisoner, the comforting hand on the shoulder of the grieving, the clasped hands of lovers…

An online embodied biography workshop to reflect, discover, and uncover the stories of hands in your life through guided exercises, self-reflection, and conversation.

Have crayons and/or colored pencils and paper nearby. You will need a private space to move off camera and to lie down and listen to a recorded guided movement experience. Be prepared to be surprised and practice witnessing each other in an engaged and meaningful way.

Ivette Lenard offers a combination of biographical and psychosynthesis coaching (one-on-one) as well as classes for anthroposophical training programs or institutions. It is her goal to offer small workshops for the general public that might include a somatic component. More about Ivette’s work may be found at http://attentiveheartcoaching.com

Each workshop on Zoom includes small group exercises and reflections shared in the full group. We will use artistic and imaginative exercises to open up biographical experiences. And, as always, we will practice listening deeply.

Our monthly workshops are not recorded to respect the confidentiality of the participants.

The cost for the public workshops is on a sliding scale from $25.00 to $100.00. You will receive a Zoom link a few days prior to the workshop.