The Battle for Reality, with John Beck

Oct 27, 2021 7:00PM—8:30PM


Online - Pacific Time US

Cost $10. payable via PayPal at - donation button

Event Contact Sandra Stoner | Email

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The Dutch doctor, psychiatrist, anthroposophist, and social activist Bernard Lievegoed dictated The Battle for the Soul to a friend in the months before he died. Some further light is shed on this title phrase by a favorite verse by Rudolf Steiner which highlights the line, “My soul and the world are but one.” Both human souls and the world of our experience are battlegrounds today. Can we evolve our consciousness to meet the onslaught? Reality itself is at issue. Anthroposophy needs to find a voice which all the caring, truth-devoted people of today can hear.

John Beck has worked in public radio and TV, in corporate communications and technology, and managed the holistic, world-culture NY Open Center. Since 2009 he has been editor of being human magazine and Director of Communications for the Anthroposophical Society in America (US).

Reminder Admission for lectures: Faust Branch members $5, non-members $10, Supporting Faust Branch members and Donors no fee. Admission fees may be made via PayPal on the donation button on our website or by check to Sacramento Faust Branch and mailed to Treasurer Carol Nordaas, 7620 Woodglen Drive, Fair Oaks, CA 95628.

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