The Anthroposopher Podcast

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Exploring anthroposophy in the modern world through interviews, conversations, and explorations. The official podcast of the Anthroposophical Society in America, with Director of Programs Laura Scappaticci. (Goetheanum Photo credit, left: Anne Weise)
SomeĀ installmentsĀ of The Anthroposopher:
(Linked to SoundCloud)
- Elemental Appreciation with Harald Hoven
- The Social Life of Money with John Bloom
- The Great Conjuction - Personal Practices with Mary Stewart Adams
- Spiritual Beings and the Holy Dynamic Between Us with Rev. Patrick Kennedy
- Against Dystopia with Conner Habib
- A World Without Art with Laura Summer and Matt Sawaya
- The Whole Picture with Waldorfy Podcast Host Ashley Renwick
- Creating Pictures of Peace with Olivia Stokes Dreier of the Karuna Center For Peace Building
- Courage, Fear and a Deep Breath with Dr. David Gershan and Chris and Jerilyn Burke
- Dr. Lakshmi Prasana - Healing, Educating, & The Twelve Senses
- Give More Than You Take ~ Voices From The Biodynamic Association Conference 2019
- Lynn Jericho- Have Yourself An Inner Christmas
- Biodynamics Or Bust! Perspectives from the 2018 BDA Conference
- Hazel Archer Ginsberg - Preserve The Light
- Paul Chappell~Beyond The Basic Human Needs Towards Peace
- Sergio Gaiti - Threefold Awareness
- Joaquin Munoz - Trauma, Resilience, and Education
- The World In 2030 with Andrea De La Cruz
And some earlier episodes:
- Easter's Ancestry: Can You See The Hare In The Moon? with Hazel Archer Ginsberg
- The Philosophy of Freedom Now with Nathaniel Williams
- The Story In Our Stars with Mary Stewart Adams
- Death, Life, And Poetry with Maureen Tolman Flannery
- Every Human Moment with Nancy Poer
- Connection, Disconnection and the Unknown with Joan Sleigh
- The Spiritual Striving of Youth with Andrea De La Cruz
- Anne De Wild - The Fifth Temperament
- Strength Through Meditation, with Lisa Romero
- Courage For The Future with Juan Bottero: International Youth Conference July 14-18
- Love Is Greater Than Loss with Linda Bergh
- Is anthroposophy funny? An interview with Ronald Koetzsch
- The voice of Steiner: A conversation with Dale Brunsvold of Rudolf Steiner Audio
- Anthro what? The ASA is interviewed on a live radio show.
BONUS: A November 2019 chat with Mary Stewart Adams on the Mercury Transit: