Wondering with Intent

Dec 10, 2023 4:00PM—6:00PM


ONLINE: Eastern Time (US, Canada)

Cost Sliding Scale: $25 - $100

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“Position Doubtful” (PD) is an annotation on made maps (mud maps) in Australia and denotes a visible landscape feature, for which co-ordinates are not available, but which could help a stranded traveler find their way to the next PD.

It has lodged in Noela’s mind as a metaphor for the way we move through life, often finding ourselves in PD, and needed to turn to wonder. Recently, she has been wondering with intent about the relationships between suffering and joy. She is mindful that Wendell Berry exhorts us to Be joyful / though you have considered all the facts.” Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front.

Please join Noela to wonder with intent about uncertainty (PD), suffering and joy.

Noela Maletz lives and works in South Australia. She has had a lifetime interest in anthroposophically inspired endeavors, including Waldorf Schools and Social Therapy Centers for young people with disabilities and biodynamic farming.

She has deep respect for biography work as a path of self knowledge, and has conducted Biography and Creative Writing Workshops in Australia and America. As well as the work of Rudolf Steiner, Noela is also inspired by the work of Parker Palmer, and has led Courage and Renewal retreats in Australia and New Zealand since 2012. After completing a Master of Social Science, she lectured at Adelaide University, and began working as a counsellor in private practice. In 2014, she retired from formal teaching and now works mainly as a counsellor and supervisor in private practice and developing C&R work in Australasia.