Painting Courses

Jul 28, 2022


Arteum, County Route 21, (Harlemville) Ghent, NY 12075

Cost Tuition (sliding scale): Courses 1 & 2: $250-$175 each; Course 3: $425-$350.

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The Evolution of our Planet Earth 2022 – Watercolor Painting Workshops: Experiencing the Creative World of Color 

Painting and Talks: Hans Schumm
Eurythmy: Karen Derreumaux

1st Course: May 6-8 Friday, 6:30 pm – Sunday, 2:00 pm
2nd Course: June 10-12 Friday, 6:30 pm – Sunday, 2:00 pm
3rd Course: July 28-31 Thursday, 9:00 am – Sunday, 2:00 pm

During this painting journey we will explore and learn how our planet metamorphosed into various states of existence revealed by Spiritual Science as Old Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon, and present Earth. While exploring specific color sequences, we will discover how the four ethers and their “partners”, the four elements, developed in timely and lawful succession.

All exercises are carefully introduced.  No “talent” needed!

Each course includes an evening talk on the evolution of the four ethers and the elements.

The first two courses will cover all four planarian states, although each is self-contained and
may be attended separately. The third course (July 28-31) will reveal how primeval animals,
plants, and man became part of the evolution.

Tuition (sliding scale): Courses 1& 2: $250-$175 each — Course 3: $425-$350.
Materials and wholesome snacks are included in each course.
Limited tuition assistance may be available.

Interested? Contact the Arteum:
County Route 21, (Harlemville) Ghent, NY 12075
(518) 672-5746 (please leave a clear message)
A detailed schedule for each course is available upon request