Light and Darkness Drawing and Veil Painting

Jun 26, 2023 9:00AM—4:00PM


Marin Waldorf School, 755 Idylberry Road, San Rafael, CA 94903

Cost $200 - $400

Event Contact Tiffany Lee | Email

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Art Week: Light and Darkness Drawing with Pamela Whitman and Veil Painting with Silvia Tafur

June 26-30, 2023 | 9am-4pm
Join for all-day art classes or mornings/afternoons only.

Engage in the timeless archetypal process of integrating and harmonizing the polarities of light and dark.

We will explore the fundamental creative polarity of light and darkness in the atmosphere and the world around us through working with charcoal. We will learn how to bridge polarities and develop our perception by finding the meeting, the tones of gray between light and darkness. Through working with different qualities of boundaries and how things can meet, we will create the foundation for varied artistic expression. The week will culminate with how color emerges out of the meeting of light and darkness with Goethe’s prism experiments and the “Walk Through Color Space.” All of this will be related back to the human being. See the world—and yourself—anew!

Immerse yourself in the nurturing experience of color.

Veil painting is a very gentle approach to color, with an emphasis on the gesture and a harmonious interaction with the materials. Color is enlivened progressively, nurturing our sensory processing and reflecting our soul activity. We will learn about materials and techniques using simple exercises in small paintings and conclude with a larger painting to consolidate our learning process. The meditative quality of these exercises allows us to immerse into color, from which images emerge as a reflection of our inner life.

Pamela Whitman, M.A., received her B.S. from MIT, where she studied both science and humanities. She studied Light, Color and Darkness Painting Therapy in Holland and received her certification from the Medical Section at the Goetheanum, while also completing her Master’s degree in Human Development. Her career and interests span the fields of science, art, spirituality, consciousness, psychology, healing and education, all of which she incorporates as a therapist, international adult educator, mentor and painter.

Silvia Tafur holds a Bachelor degree in Fine Arts with a major in Painting and is currently writing her dissertation for a Master equivalent in Art Counseling at the Tobias School for Art and Therapy in Sussex, UK. She has designed, led, and participated in different educational projects in Peru, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the US. She has worked in Waldorf schools and other alternative models of education, such as democratic education and homeschooling. Her teaching model involves art making, as she considers image as an essential part of communication. She has found in her Spanish lessons a way to bridge her Latin origins with the American culture.

Full Days: 9am – 4pm | $400
Mornings, Light and Darkness: 9am – 12pm | $200
Afternoons, Veil Painting: 1pm – 4pm | $200

For more information, please contact: | (415) 479-4400 |