Local Groups / Initiatives
The ASA created Eastern, Central, and Western Regions to enjoy more-than-local activities in this large country. Our Eastern Region is now also working in Northeast, Southeast, and Mid-Atlantic areas.
Wherever you live, you can contact the regional council representatives below, or scroll down to the local contact directory.
Eastern Region
Central Region
Western Region
Groups & Branches
There are nearly 120 groups and branches recognized by the Anthroposophical Society in America. Groups meet on a regular basis, some weekly, some monthly. In most cases, groups that have requested formal recognition have an on-going life and have built up a history of work together. — If you are interested in starting a group, here is some helpful information (PDF).

Specialized initiatives
Rudolf Steiner's work was concerned with the whole human being. Naturally, there are many initiatives arising out of anthroposophy besides the Society, all of which are independently organized and led.
These include Waldorf schools, teacher training colleges and programs, medical and therapeutic practices, Camphill communities, biodynamic farms or gardens, artistic trainings, publishers, bookstores, and their respective associations. To name only a few, these include:
- AWSNA, the Association of Waldorf Schools in North America
- SteinerBooks / Anthroposophic Press
- The Eurythmy Association of North America
- The Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association
- RSF Social Finance
- The Camphill Association of North America
- The Physicians Association for Anthroposophic Medicine
- The Association for Anthroposophic Medicine and Therapies in America
- The Christian Community - Movement for Religious Renewal
Detailed information on the many aspects of this movement is being developed at www.rudolfsteiner.org.