Olaf Asteson Dream Song

Dec 24, 2023—Jan 06, 2024



Cost 75.00

Event Contact Kristena West | Email

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The Dream Song of Olaf Asteson is an ancient Norwegian folk song. The poem-song tells us about Olaf falling asleep on Christmas eve and “sleeps” through the holy nights and awakening on epiphany January 6th. Rudolf Steiner tells us that while “sleeping,” Olaf experiences secrets of the human being and the cosmos. The dream-song gives us the “spiritual” pictures in poetic form of his initiation journey. As Joseph Campbell reminds us, the Hero’s Journey is found in myths, legends, and poem-songs. The 12 holy nights have been called “time outside of time” or “sacred time.” It’s a wonderful way to end the year and begin the new.

How does it work? This is a self-study so you can log into the class any time during the day or night if you are traveling or snug cozy at home. The Dream Poem is long and divided into 12 sections/nights. Every day the poem, art, Zodiac Sign, and Virtue is posted, and we have original music to listen to, with art videos, prompts, and tips for recalling dreams and sacred sleep practices, and enchanting narratives to amplify your journey.

This is your invitation to have a dream-art-writing retreat over the Holy Nights; to rejuvenate, review the past year, and rekindle your deeper self for 2024. Each night, we can recall our dreams, create a small painting-drawing-mandala, and write from our hearts what this mythic dream poem brings to us.

• Learn Sacred Sleep practices
• Keep a Dream Journal for creative writing
• 12 days of meditative art
• Learn how to live into an archetypal story Poem
• Experience the Holy Nights as a an art & dream retreat
• Use the journey of Olaf as a way to imaginatively work with the Dead

What did you harvest this year, and what seeds are you going to plant these two weeks of sacred time?

Registration is open now at www.KristenaWestArt.com where a beautiful landing page is designed to explain and show past participants images and Kristena’s personal invitation vlog. Everyone is welcome; you don’t have to be an artist or recall your dreams; this is designed as a personal mindfulness retreat. And Olaf beckons: will you join?

Online Art & Dream-Poem Class opens on December 24.

When you register for Olaf, you will receive a login password and link for private classroom page. Participants from Norway to Australia, so it’s an easy access. All you need is paper and art supplies you have around the house. Optional art supply list at www.KristenaWestArt.com.