The Marvelous Mystery of Words

Mar 12, 2023 2:00PM—4:00PM


ONLINE: Eastern Time (USA, Canada)

Cost $25-$100 (sliding scale)

Event Contact Center for Biography & Social Art | Email

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“…when I reveal myself in poetry, it is really something higher that is revealed in me.” ~ Rudolf Steiner

How might we think about words? James Hillman called them “angel emissaries.”
Might poems hold essential questions, inviting us to answer?

For lovers of the mystery of words, this workshop considers just that, with writing exercises intended to illuminate your own biography. Prompted by a poem, we will hearken back to childhood to embark on a treasure hunt for deeper questions through the paradox of words to express the inexpressible.

Artist, writer and poet, Tanya McIntyre is a recent certificate holder of the Biography & Social Art training program, amidst which she published her first book, The House You Were Born In, referred to by a review  as “a poetry collection to heal the past.” Waldorf mother of a 24 year old, she lives in Quebec, Canada. Know Thyself Through Poetry is the name she has given to a series of writing exercises that attempt to bring biography work and poetry closer together.

Each workshop on Zoom includes small group exercises and reflections shared in the full group. We will use artistic and imaginative exercises to open up biographical experiences. And, we will practice listening deeply.