Encountering Nature and the Nature of Things

Feb 28, 2022—Mar 01, 2022


The Nature Institute, Ghent, New York - Register NOW!

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This year-long program offers the challenge and the opportunity to move beyond the static, object-like abstractions of contemporary thought toward a fluid, transformative way of perceiving and thinking. When we begin to apprehend the dynamic and relational nature of the world, we embark on a scientific pathway to its living qualities. Nature begins to show herself in surprising new ways, and our connection to her deepens.

March 1  – June 2022: Non-residential Introductory Guided Study
June 20 – July 2, 2022: First Residential Intensive 
August 2022 – June 2023: Non-residential Guided Study and Independent Research 
June 19  – July 1, 2023: Concluding Residential Intensive 

Core Faculty: Craig Holdrege, Henrike Holdrege, Jon McAlice, John Gouldthorpe 
With the will to learn from the phenomena, we can develop what Goethe called “delicate empiricism.” This demands practice and the willingness to confront ingrained habits of thought that prevent us from experiencing nature as creative activity. Overcoming such habits and developing new flexible ways of seeing and thinking are not matters of surface change. They call for an in-depth transformation, something this program aims to facilitate.
The course is for individuals who are deeply interested in nature and serious about developing an understanding and practice of the science of phenomena, an approach that is contextual, qualitative, and holistic. We expect participants to have some previous familiarity with this approach.
We recommend that people apply early. The course may fill before the February 1, 2022, application submission deadline. Open for applications until February 28, 2022. Read more about the program by clicking here.